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Dry Products

3/4" Class 6 Road Base
Great base material for asphalt and concrete roadways and driveways. Holds up strongly to weather.

3/4" Screened Rock
Popular size for homeowners. Commonly used for landscaping and driveways.
Washed Products

5767 Washed Rock
Commonly used for backfill, drainage, and roofing, as well as decorative landscaping.

2" - 4" Washed Naturals
Used for landscaping, stream beds and gardening.

ASTM-C33 Sand
Sand that meets ASTM guidelines for concrete aggregates. Used for drainage, erosion control, bedding, surface treatment for roadways and driveways, and making Asphalt Concrete.
Boulders & Cobble

2' - 4' Boulders
For retaining walls, privacy, landscaping, and water features.

5' - 7' Boulders
For medium and large retaining walls, water features, and garden accents.

8" - 2' Void Fill
Used to fill cavities and voids for structural support and repairs.